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Indigenous Customs And Contemporary Celebrations

Welcome to Country: A New Year's Tradition with Deep Roots

Indigenous Customs and Contemporary Celebrations

As Australia rings in the new year, it is important to acknowledge and honor the traditional owners of the land, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Welcome to Country ceremony, a customary greeting and acknowledgment of Country, is a powerful way to pay respect to the rich Indigenous cultures and traditions of this nation.

Diverse Expressions and Cultural Significance

The Welcome to Country protocols vary widely across regions and localities, reflecting the diversity of Indigenous languages, customs, and practices. However, they all share a common purpose: to acknowledge the traditional custodianship of the land, to pay respect to Elders, and to foster understanding and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Upcoming Events to Experience Welcome to Country

In the upcoming new year, there are several events where you can experience Welcome to Country ceremonies firsthand. These events include:

  • Art Workshops: Engage in hands-on workshops led by Indigenous artists, learning about traditional techniques and creating your own artworks.
  • Storytelling: Listen to captivating stories from Elders and community members, gaining insights into Indigenous history, culture, and perspectives.
  • Ceremonial Dance and Didgeridoo: Witness the vibrant performance of traditional dances and the mesmerizing sounds of the didgeridoo.
  • Welcome to Country on ABC TV: Tune in to the live ABC TV New Year's Eve broadcast and outdoor concert at the Sydney Opera House for a special Welcome to Country ceremony.

Participating in these events is an enriching opportunity to deepen your understanding of Indigenous cultures, foster cultural exchange, and contribute to the important work of reconciliation in Australia.
